Firle Bonfire this year is on Sat Oct 26th 2024

The PARADE through the village will start at about 7:30pm outside The Ram. The BONFIRE and FIREWORKS will be on the Playing Fields and normally starts about 9:00pm and finishes around 10:30pm.

Our village has a longstanding tradition of celebrating BONFIRE – the failed attempt by Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th 1605. We have a very active Bonfire society, and many villagers are members. The Bonfire Society headquarters are in The RAM inn and the society holds a lively ‘Badge Night’ in the pub each year in late September, where villagers can sign up.

The village bonfire event is normally held on the last Saturday in October. A procession through the village, and a MASSIVE bonfire celebration with firework display takes place on the Playing Fields.

Find out more here

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