The Parish Council is the first tier of local government for Firle, and works with other authorities and partnership organisations for the benefit of the residents, businesses and visitors to our beautiful village.

The Parish Council has statutory duties and powers to provide services for the Parish of Firle, and must operate its activities within this legal framework. It also acts as a statutory consultee on planning applications within the village.

Firle Parish Council has its own website you can explore here. It includes minutes of Council meetings, financial documents etc.

Who are our Councillors?

Firle is a small parish and has been allocated a maximum of 5 Councillor positions, currently filled as follows:

  • Richard Gravett
  • Andrew Barr
  • Edgar Symes
  • Liz Hill
  • Natasha Bolger

How are they chosen?

Elections are held every 4 years. The next local Government election is in 2023. If there are 5 or less candidates, those that offer themselves are elected automatically as uncontested. If there are more than 5 candidates, then an election would be held and the electorate of Firle Parish would chose their 5 preferred candidates. As far as is known, there has never been a contested election in Firle.

If a councillor vacancy occurs (eg by resignation, move etc), and if no formal request (10 parishioners need to request an election in writing) has been made for an election, then the Council are allowed to co-opt an individual as a councillor.

Councillors in Firle are UNPAID, and work hard to fulfil their role in our community.

What does our council do?

The council are responsible for ensuring that the bins are collected, the drains and sewage work, for parking, and road maintenance, although the actual provision of these services is vial Lewes District Council, and East Susses County Council.

The PC are also responsible for leasing and insuring the Playing Fields and Cricket pitch, and work with the Village Hall and Playing Fields committee to maintain the playground.

They also have a statutory role as a consultee in Planning applications, although decisions are taken by the South Downs National Park Authority.

Who pays for firle Parish Council?

If you pay council tax in Firle, you do! A small percentage of your Council Tax bill is paid to the Parish Council each year as a ‘Precept’ The precept for 2020 was about £10,000 and covers minor expenditure and grants to our community.

How can I become more involved?

You could start by attending the monthly Parish Council meetings as a member of the public. Details of meetings can be found in our community calendar, or on the Firle Parish Council website