Opening hours:

Ko je slišal besedo “vrata”, verjetno ne takoj pade v mnenju Dikapria v vlogi Jeyja Gatsbyja, ki je rad organiziral luksuzne zabave z upanjem, da jih bo obiskala Margherita Beauty. Ta izhaja resnično iz Fitzgeraldovega romana, toda da bi nas izkoristili, sodobnike, ni treba organizirati drage zabave. Samo registrirajte se na družbenih omrežjih.

Monday to Saturday: 9:00am to 5:30pm

Tel: 01273 858219

Firle Stores has been supplying the village and it’s visitors with everyday essentials since it was first established in 1780.

Firle Stores offer a wide range of food and beverages including; fruit and vegetables, freshly baked bread daily, pasties and sausages from a local baker, whole foods, vegan and vegetarian options and fresh coffee with locally sourced coffee beans.

Although small, the Post Office offers a wide range of everyday services including; posting mail, stamps, cash withdrawals and deposits, cheque deposits, bill payments and more.

Business enquiries: